Message from our TVR Region Director
The news from TVR has two flavors with this winter update. The unsavory news is our Share-A-Stitch seminar scheduled for June 2025 in Olive Branch, MS was cancelled by a vote of the board of directors due to lack of participation. The better news is that some of our seminar teachers are able to teach the classes we selected for Olive Branch virtually. The region is planning to share all the details regarding classes, dates, cost and time commitment needed as soon as they are finalized.
The region is most grateful to Whispering Woods Convention Center for waiving the hefty cancelation fee we would expect to pay in this situation. Please stay tuned to your chapter newsletters, TVR Facebook, this webpage and email inboxes to learn about the virtual classes we hope to offer our membership in 2025.
I would like to wish you all the Happiest of Holidays and a VERY Happy New Year! Hope you all enjoy time with Family, Friends and doing a little stitching!
Marjorie Sink, Region Director
Tennessee Valley Region

Embroiderers’ Guild of America
EGA’s Mission: The mission of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America is to inspire passion for the needle arts through education and the celebration of its heritage.
EGA is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment for stitchers of any experience level, age, race, ethnicity, nationality, ability, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, or other background to develop their skills and express their creativity through the needle arts.
EGA affirms the commitment to inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility (IDEA).